What is a vpn affiliate program? A vpn, or virtual email list private network, helps keep your internet use secure, secure, and private. Customers sign up for a monthly fee, and vpn hides their ip address from websites and emails. In essence, vpns make your internet connection more secure and help your users remain anonymous. As the publisher of a vpn affiliate program, you will earn commissions when someone uses your link to buy a vpn you represent. Why does someone want to hide their ip address? The ip address provides a location, whether the user is on the go or in one place. In addition, businesses often use ip addresses to track individuals who visit your site.
Hackers also love accessing ip addresses. This knowledge helps to hijack the device and endanger information. Being a vpn affiliate gives you the opportunity to help others avoid this type of problem. Fortunately, there are some very expensive vpn affiliate programs. With its own affiliate links and generous fee rates, the surfshark vpn affiliate program is a email list popular choice. Bloggers, youtubers, businessmen and media professionals all rely on the power of surfshark's affiliate program to earn additional income. Surfshark nine high-value vpn affiliate programs you can join here are some popular vpn affiliate programs with favorable fees you should check.
1.purevpn purevpn-vpn affiliate program purevpn email list offers a 50% fee with a 90-day cookie policy. It also has a 7-day money-back guarantee and operates in more than 141 countries, including hong kong. 2. Torguard torgaurd-vpn affiliate program torguard uses a 60-day cookie policy to provide 30% lifetime commissions on a regular basis. You can also use your in-house affiliate management software to share links with friends, customers, and visitors on your website. 3. Ovpn ovpn-vpn affiliate program ovpn charges a 30-50% fee with a 30-day cookie policy. They are known for having one of the best security-focused vpn services in the world, all owning their own hardware. Affiliates enjoy a high commission on their first sale and a large commission on all subscriptions.