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The Olympus

 The Olympus is a Learning Platform nestled in the Middle of Minya, Egypt To provide the best Learning and Working Environments and Resources. The Olympus shapes the lives of our customers and helps them grow and develop as individuals by exploring their interests and developing their Potentials .

W aim to create the leaders of the future who can change the Game . We offer an experience flush with fun, Resilience, Achievement , Constant learning, and Fearlessness.

 our Mission 

We aim to complement the basic education and broaden the mental Capacity of youth

our  vision 

We aspire to become an institution that creates the leaders of the future in different aspects of professional life. we aim to create the game changers of the future.


The Olympus is for everyone


Our Learning Programs and activities

No matter what age you are , if you're 10 , 15, 25 , or 50 , We at the olympus constantly host events that suits your interest while developing in you.


Our Sports Program

Yoga :  to help women increase their body capacities while reaching inner peace

Zumba:  to break off steam

Pump: for women to take a space to express and boost their self confidence

Contemporary Dance: for women to take a space to express and boost their self confidence

Kick Boxing: for all ages and genders to break off steam , and increase body agility.

Self Defence: to learn to be fearless.

Norman Vincent Peale

“Change your thoughts and you change your world”

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